Home > Sec 3 modules > Total Defence (Gold)

Total Defence (Gold)

By the end of the Total Defence Programme for UGs, cadets should gain: 
    1. A deeper appreciation of Total Defence and its relevance in today’s context.
    2. The ability to recognise simple yet concrete Total Defence actions that can help cadets and the people around them better prepare for crises.
    3. The ability to advocate for Total Defence by conducting GOTC II lesson for their junior cadets,  organising meaningful Total Defence-related Values in Action (VIA) projects or  joining volunteer schemes that benefit the community. 
    4. Emergency prepared skills that enable cadets to aid of members of the community in critical medical emergencies. 

Modules & Requirements

There are two modules that cadets need to complete, as stated in the table below: 

ModuleContent / ActivityInstructional Objectives
 TD Advocacy module
A1. Initiate, plan, and execute a Total Defence-related VIA project that benefits the community at large (individually or in groups) + Reflection


A2. Join Volunteer Schemes approved by Nexus
  1. To demonstrate an appreciation of Total Defence by initiating, planning, and executing a meaningful project that either puts Total Defence into action or provides a platform for others to put Total Defence into action.
  2. To put Total Defence into action and contribute to the community through volunteerism.
 Staying Prepared moduleB. Complete and obtain CPR-AED certification

[Optional – Offered to cadets who volunteer with PA CERT] Complete and Obtain Psychological First Aid certification* NEW
  1. Through practical experience, strengthen Emergency Preparedness skills among cadets and build their confidence in reacting to critical medical emergencies in the community.

Teacher Officers can award cadets with the badges once they have completed these 2 modules.

Teacher officers can also refer to the facilitation guide for more information.
Link: TD Badge for UG (For Dissemination)

A1. TD VIA Project Reflection Template 

Cadets are to complete the Total Defence Post-VIA Project Reflections Sheet.

Submit to your Teacher Officer your: 
  • Total Defence Post-VIA Project Report
  • Reflection