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Total Defence (Gold)
Total Defence (Gold)
By the end of the Total Defence Programme for UGs, cadets should gain:
- A deeper appreciation of Total Defence and its relevance in today’s context.
- The ability to recognise simple yet concrete Total Defence actions that can help cadets and the people around them better prepare for crises.
- The ability to advocate for Total Defence by conducting GOTC II lesson for their junior cadets, organising meaningful Total Defence-related Values in Action (VIA) projects or joining volunteer schemes that benefit the community.
- Emergency prepared skills that enable cadets to aid of members of the community in critical medical emergencies.
Modules & Requirements
There are two modules that cadets need to complete, as stated in the table below:
Teacher Officers can award cadets with the badges once they have completed these 2 modules.
Teacher officers can also refer to the facilitation guide for more information.
Link: TD Badge for UG (For Dissemination)
Module | Content / Activity | Instructional Objectives |
TD Advocacy module | A1. Initiate, plan, and execute a Total Defence-related VIA project that benefits the community at large (individually or in groups) + Reflection Or A2. Join Volunteer Schemes approved by Nexus |
Staying Prepared module | B. Complete and obtain CPR-AED certification [Optional – Offered to cadets who volunteer with PA CERT] Complete and Obtain Psychological First Aid certification* NEW |
Teacher Officers can award cadets with the badges once they have completed these 2 modules.
Teacher officers can also refer to the facilitation guide for more information.
Link: TD Badge for UG (For Dissemination)
A1. TD VIA Project Reflection Template
Cadets are to complete the Total Defence Post-VIA Project Reflections Sheet.
Submit to your Teacher Officer your:
- Total Defence Post-VIA Project Report
- Reflection